The Great Mastodon Migration!

As many people already know, Twitter was bought out by Elon Musk. As such, I myself have never been a big fan of him, and his absolutely atrocious handling of running the company has essentially landed it to be a cesspool of hate, negativity, gutting of employees in essential departments to keep things running smoothly, has lead to my decision of completely abandoning the platform and as such I will no longer be posting to Twitter any longer. Am I overreacting? Maybe. If Twitter improves, which I doubt, but if it does then you’ll know via blog post or Mastodon.

Which leads me to saying it is with great pleasure I’m signing up for Mastodon! I have found a server where I can express myself in a similar manner as I did on Twitter. The migration may take time and I will leave the Twitter account active but dormant (no new posts will be made). I’ll be working to take Twitter out of any and all accounts in which I have linked to it, which may take time. In the meantime, if you visit then that should have the most up-to-date and accurate social media networks!

I look forward to experiencing this new social media journey with all of you!

Until Next Time,


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