I need to vent. Recently, the USPS has sucked MAJOR ass. Queue the rant…

I’ve been having problems with my letter carrier recently and I’m not sure if they’re new or anything but I’ve had nothing but problems with them. Now, I live in an apartment building for context. I’ve occasionally left coupons I get that I’m not gonna use out in the community mail space for my building out for others to use, cuz I’m a nice person. And this shit head of a carrier keeps being aggressive and putting shit back in my mailbox. I’ve had to resort to cutting out and removing my address so they don’t put it back – like I’m being nice don’t be a cunt. I’ve had mail I’ve gotten I’ve had to refuse because it’s not mine. Yet I repeatedly get it back into my mailbox. I’ve left note after note to stop doing so – all summer long – and it still keeps coming back.

This mother fucker has had the absolute AUDACITY to threaten to hold and send back my mail. Like who the fuck do you think you are? Threatening me because you can’t do a basic fucking job? Please. This persisted for weeks and I’ve filed multiple complaints with USPS – of which they close and I mysteriously never hear back. It finally stopped and I was getting my regular mail and all of a sudden – bam no mail. No notice no nothing. Like what right do you have to do so? You’re supposed to tell people that’s happening, you don’t have a right do just do whatever you want. I’ve had to file multiple complaints since then JUST to even have them entertain the idea of calling back. When I eventually spoke to the guy today, he was the most rude and condescending POS I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking too. “Oh well I’ve seen the pictures and some of them say or ‘Current Resident’” um no. I refuse mail (and spam) that isn’t mine, I’ve literally NEVER had an issue before when this fucker decided he wanted to smartmouth me and do whatever the fuck he wants. Honestly, the fact that USPS employs people who: don’t give a shit, aren’t trained on how to do their jobs properly, have an attitude with you at every which turn, etc. is disgusting. I explained to him my situation and he’s like “Oh well legally we can, and if you don’t like it just rent a PO Box”. Bitch what the fuck did you just say? Why would I pay money to receive my own mail when it’s your own carrier’s fault that this is even happening? I told him I’d rather gargle piss and forward my mail to a friend or family member that lives somewhere else in the state and just grab it from them. Literally no problems until this point because this carrier is on like a power trip or something.

In short, needless to say I’m going to have to follow through on my threats and forward my mail and packages elsewhere because my local Post Office, Letter Carrier, and Post Master General cannot be trusted in even the slightest. I told them going forward if you decide to pull this shit again, it’s not going to be a fun time with anyone that may work there.

Also, to my local Post Office: if this happens again I will not hesitate to forward any and all communications about this BS or future BS that happens with media outlets or the possibility of having to sue because you can’t do your basic jobs. Never had a problem refusing mail that isn’t mine until you made it a big deal. The lies about me throwing my mail on the ground isn’t even remotely true. I have pics/video if necessary because I had a feeling this would happen. Liars and dirty dirty cheats of the world. Disgusting.

Rant over. If you want contact information to my local Post Office to file a complaint, I’m happy to oblige with that info. Just let me know.

Gage out.

“Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift

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